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Polypack Jacketpack - Doverco

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Polypack Jacketpack™

Pallet-ready, corrugated cardboard packaging machine

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12 packs/minute

Side infeed

Horizontal seal bar


The Polypack JacketPack™ machine forms a corrugated cardboard “jacket” around products, creating a tightly packed bundle that is then shrink wrapped. This corrugated packaging alternative to regular slotted containers (RSC) offers the same stacking strength and product protection with less weight, less waste, and less cost.

Key Features of Polypack Jacketpack™

  • Reduces the number of overlaps to only one
  • Saves up to 50% on material costs over RSC
  • Fast equipment ROI through material costs alone
  • Creates tightly packed bundles
  • Has multi-layer packaging capability
  • Provides the stacking/palletizing support for aseptic bricks, prisms, and cartons
  • Is optimal for both distribution and retail-ready multi-packing
Packed box

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