Clamco - Doverco
16" W x 20" H Seal Area
20" W Film Capacity
16" L x 20" W x 8" H Tunnel
Quick set up, alignment, and product transfer between the sealer and the tunnel
- Unitized package tray and film cradle with pinwheel perforator
- Digitally controlled tunnel temperature
- Seal temperature control provides repeatability of seal performance
- Film cradle can accommodate up to 20" wide roll of film
- Automatic cool down and shut off
- Adjustable airflow and variable tunnel conveyor speed

Magnetic hold-down feature
Heavy duty magnetic hold down to insure consistent seal pressure

Adjustable workshelf height
Quick height adjustment facilitates centering the seal on the product

User friendly set up
User friendly operator controls for fast, easy and repeatable set up
Tools and Expert Help
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