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Omni Plug-and Play Infeed Modules - Doverco


Shanklin® Omni

Plug-and Play Infeed Modules

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The Omni modular plug-and-play infeed system allows you to purchase different stand-alone infeed modules to meet changing product and/or process needs rather than purchasing a complete new wrapper for each new application. Contract packagers are able to change infeeds to support varying packaging applications without the investment of purchasing a complete new system, allowing them to be more competitive and responsive.

Omni Plug & Play Infeeds

Plug-and-play modularity for maximum flexibility, efficiency and value


Compact, versatile belted indexing infeed designed to accept product from controlled, conveyed production.


High-speed belted indexing infeed. Available with side-belt or overhead-belt product control conveyor.


Versatile belted indexing infeed with product separation conveyor. Design permits minimum film width requirements for belted feeding systems.


Standard 8' flighted infeed conveyor includes quick-change flight lugs, cluster lubrication and no-product detect. Choose from a variety of product guide rail systems to fit a broad range of applications. Optional extended lengths are available.

Wide Flighted

Standard 8' wide flight infeed conveyor provides the ability to manually or automatically load multi-packs in the machine width direction at speeds greater than ~30 packages per minute.

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