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Packaging Machinery & Shipping Supplies - Doverco

Our Philosophy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et lacus eu quam vehicula dictum non non neque. Maecenas a ligula vehicula, pulvinar leo eget, imperdiet lectus. Ut sit amet pharetra risus, et tristique est. Fusce ac interdum leo, ac vulputate purus. Curabitur suscipit sapien id sodales pulvinar. Maecenas at dolor fringilla, convallis elit non, imperdiet turpis. In vestibulum auctor fringilla. Fusce magna nisi, iaculis sed metus aliquam, ultricies gravida dui. Cras tristique tincidunt est porttitor imperdiet.

We have analyzed 1,500+ production lines to help to optimize yours.

Canadian businesses, both big and small, are unlocking their profitability with Doverco

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Solutions Tailored to Your Industry

Unlock your profitability in three easy steps

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1. Get a free 720° analysis

We walk through your production facility and we will do an analysis of your purchasing patterns.

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2. Get a proposal

Get a solution based on a ROI analysis with detailed specifications and a functional specification and validation plan.

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3. Get profitable results

We will install your equipment and offer preventive maintenance to ensure equipment performance.

Packaging affects your product line and with that, your business growth

The machinery to package your products and the materials used for shipping can make a change in the way your finished goods look, how much they cost, and how they are distributed to the marketplace.

But what happens when you don’t know that your operations could be more profitable?

We want to fuel your business with efficiency. As a packaging supplier, we’ve worked with more than 1500 businesses to save them thousands of dollars in their operations. We can do it for you, too.

Have questions? Talk to an expert 1.800.363.0697

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