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Logix PakWrapper PW-6100-SC - Doverco

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Logix PakWrapper

Low-Profile Semi-Automatic Stretch Wrapper with Integrated Scale

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20 Loads/Hour

4400 lbs Load Weight

52" x 52" x 80" Load Size


The Logix PakWrapper with Integrated Scale PW-6100-SC will improve your profitability by combining two operations; wrap and pallet weighing. Place the scale's moveable display on the post or on the wall as required. It quickly, safely and efficiently wraps loads to protect them during shipping, handling and storage. It is fully programmable and adjustable to easily accommodate most loads – including irregular loads. It is generously equipped with a photo-eye, pre-stretch carriage and many other standard cost-saving features to meet your operations needs.

Powerful stretch wrapper with pallet weighing

Fully programmable and adjustable to easily accommodate most loads.

Photo-Electric Eye

Automatically senses and adjusts for the height of the load.

Safety Foot Sensor

Stops the descent of the carriage if an object is detected underneath.

Easy Loading Film Carriage

Pre-stretch carriage provides 200% and 300% film stretch.

Technical Specifications

Production Capacity

20 loads per hour

Maximum Load Weight

2000 kg (4400 lbs.)

Maximum Pallet Size

52" x 52"

Maximum Load Height


Scale precision

100 g (1/4 lb)

Scale capacity

2000 kg (4400 lb)

Frame Type

Low profile


3 Years


All Logix equipment is CSA or equivalent special inspection certified for insurance compliance liability.

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